So you’re bitten by the culture bug, huh? Well, I’ve got you covered. Fasten your seat belts because we’re about to embark on a mind-blowing
Category: Galerie
Galleries and museums are spaces that allow us to connect with the past, present, and future of humanity. These cultural institutions offer a journey through
The world of galleries and museums is not just a place of artistic exploration and appreciation. It is increasingly being seen as the perfect space
The private museum was founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ronald Lauder in memory of his friend, art dealer Serge Sabarsky, who shared his passion for German and Austrian art and design in the 1890s and 1940s.
The museum continued the tradition of the Museum of Non-Figurative Art, the first of its kind, which Solomon Guggenheim opened in the late 1930s in a specially rented apartment in Manhattan.